Athletics » Athletics


2023-2024  Athletic Calendar

The Mount Sacred Heart School Athletic Program provides the opportunity for students to learn and practice the values of fair play, team cooperation, sportsmanship, leadership and fellowship through participation in sports. As an extracurricular activity, the sports program functions to complement the academic and Christian development of the student participants, providing an environment in which the values learned in the home and classroom may be applied in a practical setting. Integral to the athletic program’s mission is providing the opportunity to all eligible students the forum to expand their horizon of experiences by being part of a team effort. The objective is to coach the students to their fullest potential to develop the physical skills and attitude to be competitive. Students are expected to learn to play the sport, develop skills, develop a team attitude, and compete in a healthy manner.

Eligible middle school student athletes at Mount Sacred Heart may participate in the following AIAL sports (Archdiocesan Interscholastic Athletic League):

Cross Country - Football - Volleyball - Soccer -  Basketball - Baseball - Softball - Track & Field - Golf